
Archive for April, 2012

Jesus said to the man with shrivelled the hand,

“Stand up in front of everyone” – Mark 3:3

Dear friends in Christ, it is nice to be sharing my thoughts again with you after a long time. It is really a long while for which I sincerely apologise and lot of things have happened over this time and I am glad to be back sharing with you.

This is a small but much thought provoking incident which happened in Jesus’ life and in fact it still happens in every one of us life.  The entrance to this incident is amazing! Jesus called for a public life by His Father, enters a synagogue filled with Pharisees, Herodians, and lay people: sick and healthy, all in eagerness in to watch and hear what the special man is going to say and perform that day.

Now did all who gathered there have same thoughts and expectations? It is very unlikely, as we know from our own lives. Some were there to find fault with him, some to test him, some to question him, some to listen, some to obey, some to live, some being jealous, some looking for a change, some to be healed and some to turn their lives around. Yes, my brethren! We find people of different personalities with varied interests and very many intentions on that day, as Jesus approached them, as He does with us every one of us today.

What is true is, He is there not for one but for everyone and certainly for me personally. That is exactly what happened to the sick man with his shrivelled hand that day. Jesus had a call for him personally and in fact he was calling for every one, not neglecting a single soul either. On His calling to the sick man he obeyed it, this is the first simple step one can do for Him to work in our lives.

Let us test ourselves sincerely! How often we look out for Him and how sincerely we endeavour to search for His voice and wisdom? Do we really make an effort? Irrespective of our lives and interests at Him, He is on the look out for each of us day and night! Do we not know that he neither sleeps nor slumbers? Why is He so? Indeed for our protection friend! From the evils of life, He protects us to live and reign with Him in eternity.

He is never there to do evil to us but always there to do well. In that case why do we still remain silent to Him as they did the other day?  Do we not realize that we annoy, frustrate and disappoint him by our silence? Think of someone close to you or one you are looking out for in your life or one of your dear ones, whose life you want to change or attract. If there is a silence or an unresponsive attitude, won’t you be distressed? In your extreme distress won’t you be angry at a breaking point? How many of us look at our dear friend Jesus in the same way?

It is time to change the way we think and act, it is time to show a change and it is time to change our stubbornness, which had kept our Friend far away in our lives in sadness. Does this friend stop doing well? Never! Then why we plot against Him?

He is reaching unto us today, why not we stretch out our hand as the shrivelled man did, we all will be healed this moment. Let us not plot, but obey Him in kindness and good will to carry on His message as He expects!

I am His Apostle! Let me stand up before every one!!

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